Landscaping. A basic landscaping plan shall be prepared for each Lot and must be submitted to and approved by the ARB prior to any changes, removal, and development therein. No artificial grass, plants or other artificial vegetation or sculptural landscape decor shall be placed or maintained on any Lot unless approved by the ARB.

Maintenance Required and Failure to Maintain
. No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly vegetation shall be permitted to grow or remain upon any Lot, and no refuse piles or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere on any Lot. The Owner shall maintain the exterior grounds and improvements on his Lot and easements areas, highlighted in orange on our development map, in good and workmanlike manner and shall present a neat and clean appearance upon the Lot including trees, shrubs, grass, walks and other exterior improvements. In the event that any homeowner fails or refuses to keep his Lot free of weeds, underbrush, refuse piles, debris or other unsightly growth or objects, or to keep the building or improvements on his Lot in a good and workmanlike manner, or in a neat and clean appearance, the ARB or the Board may authorize its agents to enter upon the Lot and perform any necessary maintenance at the expense of the Owner, and such entry will not be deemed a trespass. During construction or other improvement, each Owner will be required to maintain his Lot in a clean condition, providing for trash and rubbish receptacles and disposal. Construction debris shall not be permitted to remain upon any Lot.

Tree Removal: No tree of six (6) inches or greater in diameter at two (2) feet above natural grade shall be cut or removed without approval of the ARB. In reviewing your ARB Application, the ARB shall consider the natural landscaping. A St Augustine Beach permit is also required, and it is the Owners responsibility to secure the necessary permits and written ARB Approval before any work is started.

Wetlands: Most of the properties with odd numbers back up to the wetlands. The link to our development map has the wetlands and 25 foot buffer zones highlighted in green. Removal of any trees, bushes or vegetation is in violation of county and state statutes. There are also setback requirements from the wetland area for construction of any building or fences. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to comply with all statutes and regulations. For additional information contact St. Johns County Government Environmental Land Resource Management.

Surface Water and Storm Water Systems: Several lots throughout our development have retention areas in front or in the rear of the lots. The link to our development map has highlighted in yellow the storm water areas. There is a large retention in the common area located in the southeast section adjacent to the wetlands. Owners are required to comply with the Maintenance Requirements listed above for any retention area located on your lot. If you are not sure if your lot contains a retention area, please review the development map or contact Len Weeks to view the Storm Water map. No trees, bushes, walls, or ornamental landscaping materials are permitted in these areas.

DEVELOPMENT MAP FOR: Wetlands, Buffer Zones, Retention Areas and Easements.